The Friends of Round Mountain School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, governed by a Board of Directors who make decisions concerning the management and maintenance of the Community Center on behalf of our larger community. The original Board of Trustees was empowered, similarly, to make decisions on behalf of the "owner" of the Center, originally everyone who lived in the Round Mountain Independent School District #3. This school district was long ago absorbed by the Leander ISD, but we wanted some way to give members of the community a sense of ownership and support of the center, so the FoRMS board established an Affiliate Membership for anyone who wants to be more involved. Affiliate membership is $20 per year, and as an affiliate, you get:
- The ability to sponsor public events at the Schoolhouse
- A reduced rate on rental of the schoolhouse for private events
- Eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors
- The right to elect board members, should all of the FoRMS board be deceased, moved away, or otherwise permanently unable to serve